In a groundbreaking collaboration between The Millennium Universal College (TMUC) and Serene Air, a unique event was held to showcase the creative ingenuity of TMUC’s Art & Design students, who were tasked with designing innovative new concepts for cabin crew uniforms. The event featured an exciting exhibition of exceptional designs, offering fresh perspectives on cabin crew attire with innovative uses of colour, cuts, and fabrics that set the stage for a new era in airline fashion.
The competition, which has never been attempted before by any educational institute or airline, brought together the worlds of design and aviation in an unprecedented BasitStudents had the rare opportunity to present their ideas to a prestigious panel of judges, including the Chief Operating Officer of Serene Air, Air Commodore (r) AbdulBasitt Shah, and distinguished guest Ambassador Masood Khan, who opened the event with inspiring remarks.
Ambassador Khan spoke passionately about the importance of nurturing creativity and innovation in students, emphasizing how such competitions encourage young minds to explore new horizons and push boundaries. His words resonated with the event’s mission to empower students to think beyond traditional design practices and to contribute to industries in fresh and impactful ways.
The students did not disappoint. The exhibition presented a wide range of bold and dynamic uniform designs, from contemporary cuts to the exploration of new fabric textures and hues. Every design was a reflection of the students’ commitment to merging aesthetics with practicality, ensuring the uniforms were both stylish and comfortable for Serene Air’s crew members.
The jury, impressed by the quality and diversity of designs, had the difficult task of selecting the winners. After much deliberation, Faria Asim was crowned the winner for her innovative and elegant design, while Haram Arshad was named the runner-up for her stunning creation that also stood out for its versatility and modern appeal. Both students were lauded for their hard work, creativity, and dedication to the project.
As a token of appreciation, the winners received an exclusive reward—a ticket from Serene Air to Dubai, along with heartfelt recognition for their outstanding contributions to the airline industry. The event not only showcased the talent of TMUC’s Art & Design students but also highlighted the collaborative spirit between the education sector and the aviation industry.
Air Commodore (r) Abdul Basit Shah expressed his admiration for the students’ work, stating he was incredibly impressed with the designs presented. He appreciated the young designers for showing great passion and creativity, and was excited to see how some of the concepts may influence the future of Serene Air’s cabin crew uniforms.
The event was a resounding success, marking the beginning of what promises to be an enduring partnership between TMUC and Serene Air, setting a precedent for future collaborations that merge education, creativity, and industry. The competition not only provided an invaluable learning experience for the students but also reinforced the importance of innovation in shaping the future of design and aviation.